

What’s a website audit?

Sounds kind of official, doesn’t it?

But it’s actually pretty simple.

A website audit is a troubleshooting exercise that’s designed to figure out why a website isn’t working.

A website that’s working hard for your business should be:

  • Showing up in the Google listings
  • Bringing in new visitors
  • Converting visitors into paying customers
  • Making sales or generating enquiries.

If your website isn’t doing one or more of these things successfully, it won’t be generating the new leads and customers your business deserves. And that’s a problem.

Why do you offer website audits?

I introduced website audits as a service because I constantly found myself talking to business owners whose websites weren’t doing what they were supposed to do. Some of those websites had never made a single sale or brought in a single enquiry.

These business owners had found themselves in limbo, not really knowing what to do next.

Some had given up on their websites and said they’d been a waste of money. They were still paying for them to be hosted online, but no longer considered them a revenue stream.

Some were thinking of scrapping their websites completely and relying on social media or their Google Business Profile.

And some were thinking of starting from scratch and investing in a whole new website. Eeek!

But none of these options seemed especially palatable when people had invested money in something that wasn’t working for them.

A website audit is a more sensible and cost-effective solution to a problematic a website. It will help to identify where the problems are and give practical advice to help you get them fixed.

Why choose me to do your website audit?

You might be thinking ‘But you’re a copywriter. What the hell do you know about websites?’

Well, yes, I am a copywriter, but I specialise in websites. I’ve been using them on a daily basis since 1995, writing and optimising them successfully since 2010 — and have even built several from scratch.

In that time, I’ve learned a great deal about:

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Good and bad design
  • Navigation and structure
  • Effective written content.

This helps me to locate the issues that prevent them from working properly. And, as an objective outsider, I won’t be afraid to tell you what’s wrong, whether it’s issues with your SEO, operation, messaging or design.

What if the audit doesn’t find the problem?

My checklist will usually locate the source of the problem. And if I can’t tell you how to fix it, I can point you in the direction of someone who can.

If you do need additional help, this won’t mean the audit has been wasted, because it will have narrowed down the search by eliminating a long list of possible problems.

How much does an audit cost?

My website audits start from £450.

The total price will depend on how large your site is and how many pages I need to look at.

How does the audit work?

I’ll start by sending you my website audit questionnaire. This will give you a chance to tell me why your website isn’t working, when the problems started and if you’ve already tried anything to fix them.

Using your answers, I’ll take a look at your website and decide if it’s something I can help with. If it is, I’ll get back to you with a quote and you can decide if you want to go ahead.

When the payment has been received, we’ll schedule a phone or video consultation.

This will give us a chance to talk through the issues in a little more detail.

If you have Analytics and Search Console data for your website, I’ll need to take a look at it. This can be revealing and give hints as to where the problems might be.

Then I’ll move on to looking at the website itself.

What does the audit include?

Most website auditors focus on one or two things. It might be just the SEO side or the quality of the copy. My website audit checklist is more comprehensive and focuses on five distinct areas:

  1. Design, layout and structure
  2. Functionality, speed and performance
  3. User journey and experience
  4. Organic Search Engine Optimisation
  5. Effectiveness of the written content.

These things can all be crucial to the way your site performs and serves its visitors. So let’s look at each of these areas in a little more detail.

My website audit checklist

Image by Mote Oo Education from Pixabay

1. Design, layout and structure

Image by Coffee Bean from Pixabay 

First impressions

Research shows that people process visual information much more quickly than text. In a mere fraction of a second they can decide if they like your site or not and whether they want to stay.

If your website has a low engagement rate, it might be because people are arriving then leaving straight away.

So I always start with my first impressions:

  • Is your site well-designed and inviting?
  • Does it look professional?
  • Does it look modern?
  • Is your company name prominent?
  • Is it clear what your company does?
  • Do the images used support your message?

Site design

  • Is the design appropriate for the theme of the site?
  • Is the site pleasing to look at?
  • Do the colours work well together?
  • Are the typefaces easy to read?

Layout and structure

  • Does the structure make logical sense?
  • Are all the elements well laid out with plenty of space between them?
  • Is the text laid out well with short paragraphs and relevant headings?
  • Is it good for skim-reading?

2. Function, speed and performance

Image by Leandro Tanaka from Pixabay


  • Does the website work well?
  • Is it responsive for mobile devices?
  • Is the security certificate up to date?
  • Are all the links working and directed to the right pages?
  • Do the contact forms work and go to the right email addresses?
  • Are there annoying pop-ups or interstitials that spoil the user experience?
  • Does on-page media, such as videos, work properly?
  • Are the images all showing correctly?

Speed and performance

  • Is the website slick and streamlined or slow and clunky?
  • Does the site load quickly enough on desktop and mobile?
  • Does the on-site media load quickly enough?
  • Have the images and other media been optimised properly?

3. User journey and experience

Photo by Yan from Pexels

The user journey

  • Is there a clear user journey through the site?
  • Is there a logical pathway for each kind of customer?
  • Are the CTAs placed at the right points?

The user experience

  • Does the site follow an accepted format?
  • Is the navigation logical and does it make sense?
  • How easy is it to find information?
  • Does the site inspire confidence and trust?

4. Organic SEO

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay
  • How is the site ranking against its competitors?
  • Does each page have an optimised title tag?
  • Have the on-site SEO keywords been applied correctly?
  • Are the SEO keywords used still current and relevant?
  • Are the images optimised and labelled correctly?
  • Is there any room for improvement?

5. Written content

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash
  • Is the content clearly written and easy to read?
  • Are there any obvious errors or spelling mistakes?
  • Is it easy to understand what the company does?
  • Is the content formatted correctly for the web?
  • Is there a clear and compelling sales message?
  • Is the content persuasive?
  • Are the CTAs effective and positioned well?

Is your website working hard enough for you?

Is your website costing you money and contributing nothing to your business?

Do you want to make it profitable, but don’t know where to start?

As a website specialist, working outside your business, I can look at your website objectively and impartially. And I won’t just tell you what you want to hear. I’ll tell you what you need to hear to make it better.

My website audit will show you where you’re going wrong and give you the insight you need to help you put it right. All for much less than the cost of a redesign.

If your website isn’t working and you want to kick it up a gear, please get in touch.

Photo by Matt Glover Photography

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