

It’s the end of your project

The project went well. Your client was delighted with the result.

And now there’s an opportunity to get some good press, with social proof and some valuable feedback.

Social proof is compelling

Social proof is like gold dust for your business. The opinions and experiences of your previous clients can be incredibly effective in convincing others to work with you.

Social proof typically takes the form of reviews, testimonials or case studies.

The best place to feature your reviews is on independent sites like LinkedIn, Trustpilot or your Google Business Profile. Reviews posted here are often considered more trustworthy because they’re direct from the client and won’t have been modified or sanitised.

Client feedback is helpful, too

In addition, private feedback from clients you’ve worked with or sold to can help you decide if your current approach is working and show you where there’s room for improvement.

How to get reviews and feedback

You could just ask your client to leave a review and give you some feedback. But not all clients will be used to doing this, so it pays to make it as easy as possible for them and give them some direction on what you’re looking for and what to write.

And this is where a project wrap-up form comes in.

What is a project wrap-up form?

A project wrap-up form is where you can ask the all-important questions and provide a framework for clients who are leaving you reviews.

It doesn’t have to be anything too long or complicated, but it does need to give you some value.

Creating your wrap-up form

Decide what feedback would be helpful

Start by deciding what information would be most useful to you. Here are some examples of the questions you might have.

Is your self-promotion working?

If you’re using several different channels to promote your business, you’ll want to know which of these channels are working for you and whether they’re worth your time and/or money.

To get the answer, ask your client how they found you and offer them a choice of answers. Be sure to include an ‘other’ option in case there’s something you haven’t included.

Are you attracting your ideal clients?

You’ll want to know if the messages you’re putting out there are attracting the right kinds of clients.

To answer this one, ask your client why they chose to work with you specifically and what it was that made you appealing to them.

Are you delivering what you promise?

There are several questions you could ask your clients here.

For example:

  • Did you receive the service you were expecting?
  • Did you feel there was anything missing or lacking?
  • Did you have any concerns during the project and did we resolve them effectively?
  • Were our communications clear and comprehensive enough?
  • Could we have done anything to make your experience better?

Give some guidance for the review

Writing reviews doesn’t come naturally to some clients, so it will be helpful to give them a basic framework they can follow.

Use open questions, that need thoughtful and detailed answers — and be careful not to give suggestions or prompts.

It’s always helpful to give some context, so encourage them to start by introducing themselves and their project.

  • Give your name and your business name
  • Briefly explain what your business does and who you work with/sell to
  • Describe your project and why you needed it.

Then move onto the specifics of working with you by asking:

  • What made you decide to work with us?
  • How was your experience of working with us?
  • How did you find our approach to the project?
  • Were you happy with the result we delivered?
  • Would you recommend us to other businesses?

Include a link

To make it easy for clients, add a direct link to the page where you want them to write their review. It could be for your Google Profile, LinkedIn, Trustpilot, or wherever it seems most appropriate.

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About the author

I’m Jenny Lucas, a freelance copywriter and content writer based in Leicestershire, UK.

I specialise in writing SEO copy and content to get your website and blog articles found on Google.

To find out more, visit my main website, or get in touch for a no-obligation chat about your project.

Photo by Matt Glover Photography